Natural History, panel 18 of 18
Oil on canvas, 26” x 26”
Epilogue [panels 17 & 18]
…or until the ocean takes us? Painting now, in 2019, a time of rising nationalism and sea-level, a long view of history sometimes relief my anxiety - like Sinbad, one moment you are afloat, the next moment you are sunk; but as long as the human spirit is kept aflame by our animal instinct to survive, resilience/resistance might be the natural outcome. But what of a really long view of history? Painting now, during The Sixth Extinction, what if this is it? What if my art, my message in a bottle casted into the tides of history, will never be read? In these final panels, in The World Without Us, Zheng He and Sinbad, freed from their duties as historical/mythical characters on which we project our human agendas, relax with iced teas. Meanwhile, I have no chill, and that, is my Truth.